Monday, April 4, 2016

Top Five Best April Fools Jokes of 2016

April Fool's Day came and went Friday. I found myself not really pranked by anyone, making my record about 10 years now I think. However, I do love seeing all the fake products, announcements, and other pranks companies make during the day for the past few years. I've always told and suggested to companies to try to think of something fun for April Fool's Day to help get noticed in the Social Media world as Facebook and other social sites love to share the pranks during the day. Let me share with you my top 5 favorite pranks from this year, and one huge dud.

5.  Wolverine Records

The Canadian site called the Library and Archives of Canada launched a page featuring Marvel's Wolverine's military records for the Canadian government.

Is it proof that Mutants live among us, or Fools?

4. Star Trek White Noise Machine

Think Geek made a hilarious product up for April 1st. The Star Trek white Noise Machine makes sounds like any ship from past Star Trek shows. It claimed to sell for a hefty price of $150. If you clicked on the buy it now button of it though it would direct you to a page letting you know that it's an April Fool's Day prank. However, judging by the comment section of the fake product page, you'd think Think Geek might want to make it so!

3. Donald Trump's Huge Campaign Announcement

If only this were true. Jimmy Kimmel has done it again with this hilarious video of Trump announcing that his campaign run was all a huge, or yhuuuuge set up to an April's Fools Joke. Funny enough my wife overhearing me listening to the video for a second thought and hoped it was real. I did too.

2. Witcher 3: Roach Horse DLC

CD Projekt Red launched a video announcing fake Horse DLC for their Witcher 3 game that launched last year. Mocking the very bugs they took to correct since the launch they made up DLC and a story that the bugs were purposely left into the game. Mocking both themselves and the video game industry as a whole, the video is hilarious to watch. It left me wanting both a talking horse dlc drop and that Roach sticker though.

1. Quilted Northern: Rustic Weave 

Quilted Northern posted this hilarious commercial for their "new" product called Quilted Northern: Rustic Weave. A product no one wants I would hope at least. The video is perfect in the fact that it reminds me of the old SNL commercial skits that I loved and the dose of serious reality Quilted Northern gives to the product ad. I love the part were the lady sits down and there is perfect narration timed to her wince. Wonderful job Quilted Northern!

The Worst

Google Mail: Mic Drop

Google's prank was the worst this year. Besides Minions being stupid in my opinion. Someone at Google decided it would be funny this year for Google Mail, or Gmail, to have a "Mic Drop" button added it's mail service. The button when pressed would then send a "mic drop" gif to the receiver. It was meant to be a joke that some people might use, but never the way it ended up happening. Somehow Google messed up the prank and there was a bug in the system. The Mic Drop was being sent with messages when it was never clicked, and sometimes just the gif and not the message was being sent. This prompted some people to claim that the prank had either cost them their job or a job opportunity. Google quickly cancelled their prank and apologized. Hopefully next year they will have a better prank or just not do it at all. 

Well that was my list of top five pranks and one huge dud for this years April Fool's Day. What is your favorite or least favorite this year? Let me know in the comments below!

- Bordon 

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