Saturday, September 19, 2015

Disney's Interactive BB-8 a Review

  On Force Friday September 4th I had gotten the two BB-8's that launched in the United States that day. There was one from the U.K. that was sold through their version of the Disney store that was not sold to the U.S. I had contacted the U.K. and U.S. stores to inquire about their BB-8 because it was the cheapest BB-8 out there that could light up or beep. At the time I was not able to purchase the Disney Store BB-8. That is why it was not in my original review. 

  That all changed on September 11, 2015. That is when BB-8 went on sale on the US Disney Store online. I went the next day to try to purchase it, but the two they had in-stock had already been sold out. So I ordered from them in-store to their online website through the cashier and got free shipping! BB-8 arrived four days later on Wednesday, September 16th at my front door. 

Here is my Unboxing Video I made on September 16th.

  It's a toy recommended for ages 3 and up. However it has two small antennas that you attach after opening, and they easily come off if pulled, so if you have a kid that sticks things in their mouths this toy is NOT recommended.

Check out BB-8 in Action


Here is some great things about this BB-8:

  • The head lights up and *boops* & *beeps*.
  • It expresses emotions.
  • It's head does not fall off!
  • It moves around easily on most rugs, as long as they don't curl up. 
  • It can take a beating.
  • It has nice details.
  • It is the cheapest BB-8 on the market. About $35.
  • It is huge! And looks great next to my Hasbro Interactive R2-D2 from 2002. 

They are pretty close to scale if compared to the movie versions. 

Here is the Bad:

  • It does not move like in the movie, it has a wheel built in that goes forward and back.
  • It can't be controlled, no remote controls.
  • It moves where it wants too and sometimes keeps backing up into things, although it has a button sensor in the front oddly enough. 
  • It is very noisy when moving around or moving it's head.

Still a great looking toy and fun too! 

How does it rate compared to the other BB-8s?

The BB-8 Brothers! 

  Against Sphero, Disney's wins as a toy to get your child. It is significantly cheaper and comes with batteries in it, while Sphero's is expensive and like I have said before Sphero's feels like an adult collector toy, not a toy for a child.

  Against Hasbro, Disney's BB-8 loses. Although it is still significantly cheaper and comes with it's own batteries, Hasbro's still feels like the best toy on the market, and has nicer paint job than Disney's in my opinion. Also, it is nice that Hasbro's is controllable and moves like he does in the movie.

  I wish Disney's BB-8 and Hasbro's where combined. I love that Disney's lights up and that Hasbro's moves like the movie version. I wish honestly that we would get a full-sized replica of BB-8 from the movie at some time. Maybe by the 2nd or 3rd film with BB-8 in it we will? Until then I do not regret buying any of my BB-8s! I do however still love Hasbro's a little more then the rest.

  Thanks for reading. May the BB-8 be with you!


  If you'd like to purchase the Disney Store BB-8 it can be found here:

  If you haven't read my comparative review of the Hasbro and Sphero BB-8 you can read it by clicking here:

Minor UPDATE (9/28/2015):

Andrea in the comments asked where the battery compartments are, I've included a picture of my thumb and finger touching their locations. They should be easy to spot once you know what you are looking for.


  1. Thank you for the review! I bought the Disney Store BB-8 as soon as it was available in the US and have fun letting it roam around my office. Of course, the batteries are running down, and I want to verify where the battery covers are before I start taking things apart. Can you confirm the location of the battery covers? Thanks again!

    1. Hey Andrea,

      The battery compartments have two areas, both are on the back of BB-8 held by a screw each. They look like rectangle cut outs and near the screws that hold the plastic in are thumb/finger holds to get it out easier after unscrewing it. You will need a philps head screwdriver. I've updated this entry with a picture of me touching where these compartments are, my finger and thumb are touching the compartment doors for the batteries. Hope this helps you!

    2. Perfect, that's where I thought they were! You'd think Disney could include instructions, no? ;-) Thank you!

  2. Hi Bordon, thanks so much for this blog. I want to buy the BB-8 to my boyfriend for his birthday, and I'm glad I found this to realize that the Sphero is way to expensive and these 2 are better.
    I think I will buy the Hasbro version because it has remote control and from your comments it looks like it's the best also in price in comparison with these other 2. Thanks!! :)

  3. Thank you for the review. My husband hinted that he would like one. I went on-line, and was wondering at the price differences. Thanks to you I now know there are 3 different manufacturers, prices & sizes. The Sphero looks cool, but very small & expensive; along with needing to be used with your phone. Because of your review, I will get him the Hasbro.

  4. check this one out!


  6. Thanks for the informative reviews. I stumbled upon a Hasbro BB8 in a store in Paris (France) that was on sale for €49 (about $54). I felt the price was good, so I bought it without having the time to read any review. I was fully reassured about its quality right when unboxing it and having my daughter play with it: great product.
    Reading your review tonight, I feel doubly satisfied by my rushed purchase, knowing that there is no other version that comes close to that one for even twice the price.

    Like you, I wish that the head of the Hasbro version would light up, and that the sound would be a little clearer and louder. In other words, I wish that Hasbro had done with BB8 what they did with the interactive R2D2 (that we own too).
    Knowing a bit of basic electronics and programming, I believe that I can try and upgrade our Hasbro toy into a custom version whose head would light up with various LEDs, and possibly with an improved sound quality (that's the benefit of having accessible "innards").
    When/if we do such a customization, would you be interested in getting some feedback about it ?
    I am not sure that we will really succeed in "merging Disney's and Hasbro's" versions into one BB8, but that is our aim at least.
    Once again, if you would like to get some feedback about how we managed to upgrade Hasbro's already cool toy, just let me know.


  7. Funny, I chose Disney because of the size. I also own the Hasbr R2.
    I don't really get what the button on the lower body is for. Any suggestions? Thanks, also for the whole report.

    I'm on m mobile, so I might overlooked something. Sorry if so

    1. Hi Tina,

      The button on the lower body is just the pressure point for when the Disney BB-8 hit's something to tell it to back up. It doesn't do anything else. Kinda goofy that it sticks out so far for something like that.

  8. In what way are they sound activated. Are there any voice commands for bb8 and r2?

  9. After some time, did anyone's unit malfunction? We've had it about a month, and now when we turn him on, the head just moves side to side like he's trying to turn on?? Does that mean it's broken or needs new batteries??

  10. That sounds like a battery issue, I'd replace them first and try it. If it still happens I'd look at the wheel to see if anything is blocking it's movement. If there isn't anything there then it might be a bad unit. However, I believe if you haven't replaced the batteries yet then it's probably just that the batteries are almost completely drained.

  11. We just got the the Disney BB-8 Astromech Droid and it worked once when we got it home and now the lights on the remote control just blink and the droid does not move.. any thoughts??

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Any idea what the button on the front of BB-8 does? I keep pressing it, but not sure if it's doing anything.

    1. Hi it's a sensor button, so when it get's pushed BB-8 should move backwards.

  14. We replaced the batteries on our BB8 and now he doesn't work at all? Is there a reset button or something we have missed?

  15. What are the list of voice commands? My directions came in chinese

  16. My daughter threw out the antennas with the packaging. Any idea where to get replacements?
