Friday, September 4, 2015

#ForceFriday and The Two BB-8s

  First, let me say, Welcome to my new Blog! This is my first post, and I apologize for any errors, and how long this post might be. I'm just very glad to finally start blogging and having built the blog the way I want it that I figured I'd tell a story right now that might rant a bit. I'll try to keep it short. Tomorrow I will have a review of the two toys I got on Force Friday but please, read the two short stories, on how chance and luck lead me to getting them! 

  Today as every Star Wars nerd knows was Force Friday. What is Force Friday? Well unless you were living in a galaxy far, far away or something you would know that there is a new movie called The Force Awakens coming out this Holiday season. The new movie of course is set in the Star Wars saga. So Force Friday, September 4th, is the day when all of the new Star Wars toys from the upcoming movie come out. Of course grown men like myself were super excited for this day. Almost like a Star Wars Christmas for many collector's so to speak. There was only one type of toy I wanted during this day, and I ended up with both versions of it.  

Here they are boxed up! My two BB-8's. 

The one on the left is by Hasbro and is a Target exclusive. The one on the right is by Sphero and I obtained mine from Bed Bath and Beyond. 

How I got the Hasbro BB-8 from Target

  I learned about Force Friday earlier this week. I wasn't super stoked for it, just a bit excited to see all the toys to see if they gave away any indication to the plot of the movie. Also, hoping there would be a BB-8 toy coming out by either Hasbro, or the rumored BB-8 from Sphero. Sure enough Sphero announced their BB-8 yesterday, just 12 hours before release, but I did not see an ad by Hasbro at all until earlier this morning. I read many blogs last night but I could not find where I could buy the Sphero model in-store. Most stores where just advertising that they where getting Star Wars toys but not much more than that. Target, Toys R Us, and the Disney Store where the only one's I knew from last night to be selling new Star Wars merchandise on Force Friday. Both Target and Toys R Us near me where opening at midnight to sell the new toys and the Disney Store was opening early Friday morning for their event. I debated going to the midnight Target opening but decided that I'd check it out during my lunch hour since I work at home on Fridays and leave it up to chance

  On Friday morning just before setting off right at noon, I looked up on the Target store for any BB-8's, at the time I didn't know Hasbro had made a BB-8 so when I saw it on their website I was ecstatic! It was cheaper than the Sphero, which at 11:00 am Central was sold out on Amazon and about to sell out on Gamestop's site. Even though it didn't have the awesome technology that Sphero did it was very similar in that they are both remote controlled, and Hasbro's has a built controller where Sphero's has you use your smart phone. Hasbro's was exclusive to Target only and E-bay it looked like it was selling already double the price! Looking up on Target's site for locations that might have them in-stock, there were already a few stores sold out, but the closet Target near me claimed to have a limited stock. So, figuring it was worth a shot since the Target was only 8 minutes away from my apartment I set off.

  It was 12:15 when I reached Target. As I walked inside I was greeted by the "Braw-aaaaahhh!" roar of a Chewbacca standee. It had a sign next to it that asked people to take picture's with it and tweet it out. Although, I would usually love to pose next to Chewbacca and take a picture I didn't. I was a man on a mission and I need to get to the toy department straight away! 

  Having been to this Target several times I went straight to the toy section, in a quick walk. I figured I may as well find out if BB-8 was here or not. When I got to the Star Wars section I was greeted by a life sized BB-8, who was activated by my movement and turned it's head towards me and says hello in it's little chirpy language. *BEEP-OOP-EE!!* Beautiful. Honestly, I would be jealous of the store employee who gets to take BB-8 home with them after the display is over with! (If any of you readers know anyone who works at a store that doesn't have any Star Wars fans as employee's please hook me up with one!) 

 Anyways, the Star Wars aisle still had several awesome figures. Some of the aisle did look like it had been picked barren the night before. The only thing I could tell was missing were figures of the new characters Rey and Kylo Ren. There was only Darth Vader masks as the Captain Phasma's Mask and Kylo Ren's Mask where no where to be seen sadly, so much for hearing first hand any lines from the movie then. There was one Finn figure left and mainly original trilogy toys. There was one Kylo Ren hasbro lightsaber left and a Nerf Chewbacca bowcaster that was tempting me to purchase as well. Honestly most of the toys where still at this target besides 3 figures. Those weren't what I was after though. I wanted a BB-8 to go with my old R2-D2 toy I had as a kid. I walked down the aisle and low and behold the "limited" supply of BB-8's where there, all 8 of them. Honestly it looks like only one was missing. 

  I picked one that looked like a good box and briskly walked to the front desk. Learned about the new Micro-chipped credit card I have and how it works at the new registers (it's a really neat innovation that I should blog about later). The cashier also teased me a bit and scoffed at the new Star Wars movie and toy lines. Some people are purists and only like the original trilogy. I laughed it off and continued my purchase after being pushed at getting a Target credit card. (I didn't get one.)  Oh, I also picked up batteries which I am returning as I found out later that I have plenty at home. This BB-8 takes batteries while Sphero has a built in chargeable one. 

  I was so happy to have my BB-8.  Having had probably the worst week in a while, it was just a small uplifting thing for me. I completely left it to chance and I got exactly what I wanted. It wasn't the Sphero BB-8, but It was a BB-8. Now you are asking, well you got a Sphero BB-8 too, didn't you? Why, yes, yes I did.

How I got the Sphero BB-8

  As you already know I got my BB-8 from Target during my lunch break. Well Sphero's BB-8 purchase was mainly because I got lucky. The Sphero BB-8 has been blogged all over the internet world as this years best and most wanted Christmas Toy. It was also rumored that Sphero was behind the design of the real BB-8, which turns out today is not true. Either way, in my mind, Sphero BB-8 would be the hardest toy to find on #ForceFriday and of course it was. It was no where to be found in Target, but I figured that's why they had the exclusive Hasbro version there anyways. Amazon it was already sold out around 9:00 AM when I checked, not that I would have bought it there anyways, as I wanted to see the display in person and see how big it was. 

  Well today was also the release date for the Batman Arkham Knight: Arkham Knight figure and my pre-ordered Sony PS4 Anniversary Edition Headset at Gamestop. So I had stopped there too during my lunch break on the way home. It wasn't really out of the way as it was basically on the pathway home from Target. I've worked at this Gamestop in the past so I know the employee's well and waited for them to find my headset in the back room while I looked at their new stock of Star Wars merchandise. So far only online can you get the Sphero BB-8 from Gamestop. I wasn't shocked. Although, on Black Friday they will more than likely  have a few in stock across the stores in the U.S. as Gamestop this year has been trying to push more Gaming and Nerd merchandise and apparel at their stores and it seems to be the hottest item this fall so far. Anyways, they couldn't find my figure but did find the headset so I would have to come back after work to see if they found it or if it was still being shipped, as that sometimes happens with pre-ordered figures at Gamestop. 

  When I went into Gamestop the second time they still didn't have my figure in stock. I wasn't upset as I often like to just get out of the house during my telecommuting day's breaks so I enjoyed the drive out I even stopped at Barnes and Noble to see if any new Star Wars books came out. None did that I could see. I checked my phone to see the news on Star Wars toys and started reading an article. Not to my surprise that I found out that a lot of people had trouble even at the midnight releases to find the toys they wanted. Many adult collectors where upset. I also read that Sphero BB-8's where almost sold out across the country, and as I was reading the article I noticed that Bed Bath and Beyond was selling them! 

  I couldn't believe a place like that was selling Star Wars toys! My main guess is that I assume mom's shop there so it'd fit within a target market who might be shopping for their kids. I remembered visiting the Bed Bath and Beyond when I first moved here after getting married. My wife and I checked it out once so I knew that the BB&B was just down the road from Gamestop. So I got in my Batmobile and drove down to the Bed Bath and Beyond. It's not the greatest looking store from outside, it sure shows it age compared to the new Super Walmart next door. I was glad that it was small enough of a store though, that I'd be able to find the Star Wars section, and get out of there fast after finding out they were sold out. I already had my doubts of finding one! 

  So as I go on into the store and I see this lady huffing it past me. I think she saw me get out of my car and figured what I was there for. I wasn't in a rush like I was at Target, because I already had a BB-8 and I was literally giving this up to chance. I already decided to blog a review about the Target BB-8, but I thought I'd get the Sphero one too, so I could compare the two, and because I wanted to see which one would tease my cats the most! *Evil Joker Laugh*

  Anyways, the Star Wars display was NOT hard to find. It literally was right in front of the main entrance, pretty close to blocking it to be honest. There too was a display of BB-8 Sphero that was in it's charging station moving it's cute head around. It was so tiny. I looked around the display and there was a Darth Vader Toaster and a few Star Wars themed cups and mugs. Not much more, and no sign of any Sphero BB-8s for sale. I sighed. I knew they would be sold out. The mom that had huffed in before me was seemingly looking frantically around the display for a BB-8. Took a picture of the displayed one, and was texting what I assumed was either her husband or her kid. She didn't look upset though. She eventually just walked away and started shopping at the store. I started to take a photo of the BB-8 for my blog, and was about to video it when I heard one of the store employee's complain to their fellow employee about the Star Wars music that was constantly playing from the display. I most definitely would find it annoying too when you are only working 3 feet away, and the sound quality wasn't the greatest for the music. Anything repetitive can get annoying fast too. Having worked at Gamestop though I knew they'd eventually tone it out and not even realize it was playing. Anyways, while thinking back to Gamestop and smirking because the employee was saying something I would say today if I worked there I started to think back to working during last year's Black Friday at Gamestop as I watched the BB-8 in the display 

  *Cough* "Hello, can I help you sir? Are you trying to find something?" 

  I must have looked lost as I was thinking and watching the BB-8 because I didn't realize at first she was talking to me. I turned around and it was the employee who complained about the music. She looked at me as if I didn't belong here, which I didn't. I walked up to the desk and said. "I was wondering if you had any more.."

  "BB-8's left?" She finished for me. She knew that's what a guy in a Batman baseball shirt without his wife with him would be looking for in a place like this.  "You're lucky, there is only one left. Do you want it?" 

  I looked around, thought maybe the mother should get it but she was long gone. I quickly justified that since she didn't even ask if any where in store, and I just did that chance just gave me another lucky curveball today. So my internal battle was quickly lifted inside my head and I smiled and said. "Yes, I would thanks!"

   "Alright, let me go in back and get it for you." She smiled at me and took off to the back room. I think she was more excited to sell the last one than maybe anyone who bought a BB-8 today. The wait didn't take long and she sent me over to another cashier to finish my purchase. 

  "Dude, there were so many people lined up this morning for this thing, what is it?" The cashier asked me holding it up as he scanned the box. I told him how it's basically a remote controlled robot and the news dubbed it the new Tickle Me Elmo and that Target has a cheaper version if anyone he knows is looking for one still. He didn't seem to care as he finished my purchase and I marched out of the store like a champ. And that is how I got the Sphero BB-8.

Thanks For Reading!

  Hopefully you found my two short stories on how I got my BB-8s interesting. I will be making a blog tomorrow on how both compare to each other. I already shot unboxing videos and tested them out a little. However, I want to make a post with better videos to give an in-depth review and help out anyone debating on which one to get for their kids or themselves. I know some other adults are looking for these toys for themselves! Don't be ashamed, I definitely am not! 

  I will probably make a new post comparing the two and showing them off in videos when there is better lighting tomorrow morning. You can see how dark it is in my apartment from the current photos on this blogpost!  I built this blog today too, so I apologize dear reader for not having any videos or review up already tonight because the rest of my daylight hours where eaten up by making this blog. I do want to show them off though and can't wait to share which one I think is the better purchase! I'll update this post with a link and maybe even update this post itself with videos tomorrow as well, so be sure to check back in!

Thank you again for reading my first ever blog post!

Take care until next time!


Bordon's Note: I included links to any outside sources that influenced the story, as well as product information of the toys I found cool and of the toys I bought myself. 


1 comment:

  1. sphero nice device for children
    watch & subscribe
