Today as I was returning my Target Force Awakens copy that I was disappointed with, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that there was a new BB-8 toy release!
Hasbro and Target partnered to release exclusive figures BB-8, C-3PO, and RO-4LO. The figure set costs around $30, at a price point of $29.99. So far this pack is only in stores, and isn't even in the online storefront yet for Target!
Side-Note: Currently however, Target has a deal that you can text a number and get a coupon for Star Wars merchandise.
It's a great deal if I say so and you can pick this up and the movie and get some money off! It only lasts until April 9th, 2016 though so hurry to your local target to get some Star Wars merchandise. I am in no way paid to tell you this, I just wanted people to know of a great deal!
Back of the Box, Close Ups are below! |
Back to the review! I'm going to review each figure separately for this review.
C-3PO figure doesn't really have great articulation. The arms only articulate around the shoulders, and appear to be a ball joint. Legs move in the hips only slightly to arrange the feet in a standing position. His head doesn't move at all. Basically this figure was designed to sit on a shelf and that is it. It's very pretty to look at, but there isn't much else to him sadly.
RO is a new type of droid that is used by the Resistance. The box claims that they are upgraded R2 units. This one was seen in the scenes where the Resistance was getting their starfighters ready to, or when they landed at the Resistance base. There was another R0 unit seen in the film that Poe uses when he doesn't have BB-8. That one is Orange and Grey coloration. It's interesting that this droid didn't get much notice during the launch of the movie as it is a new astromech type droid. One of it's glaring features is a lack of holoprojecter. If you want to read more on this droid there is an excellent article here on the theories of this droid.
Front of RO-4LO |
Back of RO-4LO |
Unfortunately only his legs move so you can tilt his body. He doesn't have a third "leg" that can clip on, so that is missing. He also doesn't have a moveable head. Sits well on a shelf though!
BB-8's figure is the most complex. He has two "arms" that can pop on the circles where they should pop out from in the movie. This figure is interesting as it reminds me of this figure that was announced last winter for release, however, there are noticeable differences.
![]() |
Hasbro BB-8 Preview, this might be a different release coming up, but looks similar. |
Some details are different such as the lack of shock stick or rotating blade, the Target BB-8 looks different. Also, a lot "dirtier" looking detail as if he just got off the sands of Jakku.
Going to leave him like this on my shelf! |
Back Side of BB-8 |
BB-8's head does move around, it's a lot like other BB-8 toys that Hasbro and Disney has made where the head is attached to a stick and wobbles around the top of the toy through a hole. So he doesn't roll, they should in my opinion have used a magnet and let him roll around, but I guess this saves on cost. He also has a flattened part of his sphere that is meant for the base, so he can sit on a shelf well. He does sit pretty well on a shelf!
In conclusion I believe the main draw of the 3-pack is BB-8. I don't regret buying the figure set as I got a deal and I love this BB-8's detail. I think they all could be great toys for kids, but don't expect much articulation in any of the figures besides BB-8.
Well that's it for this short review.
May the Force Be With You!
P.S. Look out for more incoming Star Wars toy reviews. Now that the movie is out on Blu-Ray, I think it's time that I can share more toys that I got in the past 6 months, some contained spoilers. I also will be publishing my own theories on The Force Awakens and the new movie coming out this December Rouge One. Look out for them coming soon on this blog near you!
I also will be comparing all my BB-8 Toys, and blogging about building BB-8 in the very near future, very much in concept stages still, but I'm ready to share many of my findings, especially now that the movie is out for everyone to view! No excuses for trying to avoid spoilers now in my blog!
Also, feel free to check out my other BB-8 reviews.
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